Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Ever Salt Lake City Chapter Meeting

Mothers For Freedom SL had their first meeting ever. It was informative and exciting. Tirsa invited Patricia Robinson to help us understand more about Utah's caucus system. Most of us had never participated in Utah's voting and caucus system and needed a basic overview. We had only a few minutes to discuss the Declaration of Independence. It was enjoyable and exciting to discuss these types of topics with like-minded women. We hope to see more of you in the future.

Here are some helpful websites Ms. Robinson told us about:
Find your precinct
 Need to register? click here

Caucus Information
Republicans meeting: March 15
Democrats meeting: March 13
If you are hesitant to claim a party affiliation or have disdain for the party system consider this: our country has always had a two party system; sort of a check and balance on the public. By getting involved you can help change a party for the better.

Don't have a party? Not sure what one you like? Click below do to your research:
Republician Party Platform
Democratic Party Platform

Please remember becoming a member of Mothers for Freedom doesn't cost anything but time and not that much either. We meet the second saturday monthly at 10:00 am.

We are trying to decide what book to read next month. Feel free to leave a comment with your vote or email Tirsa.

John Adams-David Mccullough (Non-Fiction)
The Words We Live By- Linda Monk (Non-Fiction)
5000 Year Leap- Cleon Skousen (Non-Fiction)
Rise to Rebellion-Jeff Shaara

*Mothers For Freedom is a non-party affiliated group. We welcome and encourage any and all views supporting families and mothers.

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