You must be the change
you wish to see in the
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Mahatma Gandhi
A Principle and Our Purposes
Principle: The work of a mother in the home and
community is fundamental to our nation’s peace and
security. Democracy cannot stand absent the virtuous
lives of its citizens. Democracy cannot stand absent
the vigilant participation of its citizens, and this virtue
and vigilance must be taught by mothers if it is to be remembered by our nation’s children. Mothers are central to ―transmitting to future generations the moral strengths, traditions, and values that sustain civilization.‖* Sacrificing of their time, their bodies, their society, and their worldly ambitions, women who take up the work of motherhood develop an un- matched power to check selfishness. As mothers look outside themselves and to their children, they nurture those virtues that raise up stable, selfless citizens. Si- multaneously, as mothers look outside themselves and to their children, they raise a voice in their communi- ties and their governments, unique in its absence of self interest, focused on blessing the lives of the rising generation. True mothers are fundamental to freedom.
First Purpose:
Create a public voice that supports a mother’s work in the home and informs our society of her im- portance in preserving national peace and security.
Second Purpose:
Promote educated voting in our personal lives, in our families, and in our communities.
Third Purpose:
Study and apply our founding’s history and its principles in our personal lives, in our families and in our communities.
* The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Member Qualifications
*A Mother– that is to say a woman dedicated in heart
to the work of motherhood, whether or not she has
*A Belief in God as the ―Author of liberty‖– Which faith is not specified, but belief in a Supreme Being and prayer being requisite.
*A Citizen of The United States of America with a love of country and its founding.
*A Belief in God as the ―Author of liberty‖– Which faith is not specified, but belief in a Supreme Being and prayer being requisite.
*A Citizen of The United States of America with a love of country and its founding.
Mothers for Freedom Correlation: Monthly
Prayer, President’s message, recognize new leadership,
accept new members, announcements, plan for and discuss upcoming events—first 30 minutes. Discussion on text selec- tions about the founders, the founding, or our structure of government—remaining 60 minutes.
Mothers for Freedom Outings: Quarterly
Historic Outings—Visiting historic sites -or- Voice Outings—Raising public awareness of the im-
portance of mothers in preserving freedom through partici- pation in events such as fairs, rallies, forums, panels, et cetera.
Mother Speaks: Public Non-partisan Expositions on Upcoming Votes: Seasonal
Meeting for the public where MFF members make ob- jective point-counterpoint presentations about important is- sues and politicians on upcoming ballots, and then briefly ex- press their opinion on the subject. 60-90 minutes.
Mothers for Freedom Fundraiser: Annually
For all printing needs (excepting Membership Hand-
books). Also, for exposition and awareness event costs.
*For more information on each meeting see the officer’s responsibilities* Prayer, President’s message, recognize new leadership,
accept new members, announcements, plan for and discuss upcoming events—first 30 minutes. Discussion on text selec- tions about the founders, the founding, or our structure of government—remaining 60 minutes.
Mothers for Freedom Outings: Quarterly
Historic Outings—Visiting historic sites -or- Voice Outings—Raising public awareness of the im-
portance of mothers in preserving freedom through partici- pation in events such as fairs, rallies, forums, panels, et cetera.
Mother Speaks: Public Non-partisan Expositions on Upcoming Votes: Seasonal
Meeting for the public where MFF members make ob- jective point-counterpoint presentations about important is- sues and politicians on upcoming ballots, and then briefly ex- press their opinion on the subject. 60-90 minutes.
Mothers for Freedom Fundraiser: Annually
For all printing needs (excepting Membership Hand-
Conducts MFF Correlation. Arranges all meeting times according to the availability of the majority of the members. Assists the secretaries in each of their responsibilities and events. Plans the annual fundraiser. Manages the association funds jointly with the Publishing Secretary. Creates the timed agenda for MFF Correlation meetings by consulting with the secretaries. Gives a short message or quote related to the work of mothers or our nation’s freedom. Singing anthems or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is also appropriate. In- vites any new member to make the MFF pledge, Has member and then voting secretary sign handbook pledge page and then signs it per- sonally. Welcomes member to the association.
Voting Secretary
Conducts Mother Speaks expositions. Identifies and researches all local to national votes at which members are called to participate and announces them at MFF Correlation. Counsels with the members on which votes and which issues should be exposed in a Mother Speaks (these decisions should be narrowed down with the president when creating the agenda to require 10 to 20 minutes of correlation). Finds volunteers to research and present issues at the ex- positions. Arranges for venue of exposition (local school, community center, park, etc.). Creates flyer to announce exposition. Members are responsible for flyer distribution. Effective distribution of flyers and educated presentation of the issues is key to successful expositions.
Reading Secretary
Conducts Book Discussion. Counsels with the members to create a book list focused on the founding, the founders, or the principles of our government. Researches the availability and cost of the texts. (Each member is responsible for procuring their own text.
Conducts MFF Correlation. Arranges all meeting times according to the availability of the majority of the members. Assists the secretaries in each of their responsibilities and events. Plans the annual fundraiser. Manages the association funds jointly with the Publishing Secretary. Creates the timed agenda for MFF Correlation meetings by consulting with the secretaries. Gives a short message or quote related to the work of mothers or our nation’s freedom. Singing anthems or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is also appropriate. In- vites any new member to make the MFF pledge, Has member and then voting secretary sign handbook pledge page and then signs it per- sonally. Welcomes member to the association.
Voting Secretary
Conducts Mother Speaks expositions. Identifies and researches all local to national votes at which members are called to participate and announces them at MFF Correlation. Counsels with the members on which votes and which issues should be exposed in a Mother Speaks (these decisions should be narrowed down with the president when creating the agenda to require 10 to 20 minutes of correlation). Finds volunteers to research and present issues at the ex- positions. Arranges for venue of exposition (local school, community center, park, etc.). Creates flyer to announce exposition. Members are responsible for flyer distribution. Effective distribution of flyers and educated presentation of the issues is key to successful expositions.
Reading Secretary
Conducts Book Discussion. Counsels with the members to create a book list focused on the founding, the founders, or the principles of our government. Researches the availability and cost of the texts. (Each member is responsible for procuring their own text.
The secretary should announce the texts at least a month before the
reading begins.) Divides readings into weekly assignments reflective of
members’ ambitions and capacities. Leads group discussion taking the
members to the texts and using an outline of discussion questions
prepared beforehand. All reading business is done at the beginning of
the 60 minute reading discussion time.
Outing Secretary
Plans visits to interesting sites related to the American founding if possible, or to American history. Can plan outings as of- ten as once quarterly, but should have at least two per year (one of which is a voice outing).
Plans participation in public events where the associa- tion might raise awareness of the role of mothers in national peace and security. Is aware of the abilities of the members and becomes aware of opportunities in the community. Anything from stands with information packets at community fairs to member participation in panels or symposiums is appropriate. At least one outing annually should be a voice outing.
Publishing Secretary
Prints and copies all member handbooks, flyers, reading lists and assignments, et cetera in time to distribute them at the necessary MFF Correlation meetings. Assists Reading Secretary in deter- mining availability of texts. Jointly manages the association funds with the President. Procures contact information of all members and dis- tributes it in a directory format that may be paper or electronic. Signs new membership handbooks.
Outing Secretary
Plans visits to interesting sites related to the American founding if possible, or to American history. Can plan outings as of- ten as once quarterly, but should have at least two per year (one of which is a voice outing).
Plans participation in public events where the associa- tion might raise awareness of the role of mothers in national peace and security. Is aware of the abilities of the members and becomes aware of opportunities in the community. Anything from stands with information packets at community fairs to member participation in panels or symposiums is appropriate. At least one outing annually should be a voice outing.
Publishing Secretary
Prints and copies all member handbooks, flyers, reading lists and assignments, et cetera in time to distribute them at the necessary MFF Correlation meetings. Assists Reading Secretary in deter- mining availability of texts. Jointly manages the association funds with the President. Procures contact information of all members and dis- tributes it in a directory format that may be paper or electronic. Signs new membership handbooks.
Pledge of
Mothers for Freedom
I, ___________________,
Pledge to advance the work of Motherhood
in our Nation
Beginning in my own family and community, With a vision to preserve our national peace and security.
I pledge to do so by
Raising my voice to defend and promote the work of mothers,
Fulfilling my personal responsibility to study and vote and encouraging others to do likewise,
and by
Studying and sharing what I learn about our founding,
founders, and the principles of our government.
I, ___________________,
Pledge to advance the work of Motherhood
in our Nation
Beginning in my own family and community, With a vision to preserve our national peace and security.
I pledge to do so by
Raising my voice to defend and promote the work of mothers,
Fulfilling my personal responsibility to study and vote and encouraging others to do likewise,
and by
Studying and sharing what I learn about our founding,
founders, and the principles of our government.
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